
Alicia is a physical therapist motivated to help others on their path of healing. After many years of helping people of all ages sort through their sports and orthopedic injuries in a traditional western approach, Alicia found that the techniques within the Tibetan yogic teachings allowed for not only a shift of focus in her own journey, but when shared with others, provided faster healing times and greater outcomes within the broader reach of both body and mind.

Alicia Molloy


Padme PT, Anatomist - Fluid Yoga School

Alicia is a physical therapist motivated to help others on their path of healing. After many years of helping people of all ages sort through their sports and orthopedic injuries in a traditional western approach, Alicia found that the techniques within the Tibetan yogic teachings allowed for not only a shift of focus in her own journey, but when shared with others, provided faster healing times and greater outcomes within the broader reach of both body and mind.

Alicia GRAND


Alicia began practicing at SUTRA in 2016 while navigating a familial crisis. It wasn’t until she took a year or so off that she realized yoga, and the SUTRA community, was exactly what she needed in her life. Driven by a passion for giving back, Alicia started volunteering at the studio, becoming fully intertwined with her new community. Through her practice, she has learned that taking care of oneself creates the magical ability to take care of others, an important facet of her life and work.

After a four-year hiatus, Alicia found her way back to the studio and her yoga practice, reigniting her commitment to personal growth and community support. Alicia's kind and caring energy is palpable in her energy, reflecting her adventurous and sensitive spirit. Having completed a Fluid Yoga Assisting Training through SUTRA in Spring 2020, Alicia aims to continue her learning journey and deepen her personal practice and teaching. A big fan of fundamentals and slow flows, she emphasizes that yoga is for every body and mind, regardless of one’s ability to perform complex postures.

“Each day we are born again; what you do today is what matters most” ~ Buddha

Alyson Pollard


Wheelhouse Yoga, Fluid Yoga School

Owner of WheelHouse Yoga in Clifton, Virginia. With a mindful approach to building her practitioners confidence and ability in their yoga practice, she ensures that one feels accomplished where they currently are in their practice, while safely building to and sprinkling in glimpses of what the next level holds.



Yoga has shown Amy how to love herself as she is in mind, body, and spirit. She brings lessons of self-love and a supportive environment to her teachings that allow for mindful self-exploration to find that same love for yourself through your own practice.  With Amy, the vibes are always immaculate with her mindful, calm, and gentle persona. She firmly believes that “all you need is love” and with love everything will be ok. Amy’s favorite yoga pose is Wild Thing because it makes her feel beautiful, accomplished, and has taught her how to trust herself. 

Amy has completed her 200HR training with Fluid Yoga School and has continued  her studies in HEALing and SPA yoga.  When she isn’t on the mat, she enjoys reading, hiking, traveling, and spending time with her partner, family, friends, dog, and cat.

Betty Riaz


Stil Studio, Fluid Yoga School

Since 2009, Betty has connected and shared the teachings of healing and spiritual practices of the Tibetan Yogic Tradition. Her mission is to help others through her work at Stil Studio, teaching yoga and mindfulness, healing bodywork and leading global retreats. She is eternally grateful to her teachers from the Tibetan Vajrayana practices; Khenpo Lama Migmar Tsetsen, Kevan Gale, Dr. Eric Rosenbush and Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

Brian MErritt

BAM / Brian

200 HR RYT

In his journey to heal a persistent back injury, Brian turned to yoga as an alternative to the traditional approaches he’d taken in the past, a decision that changed the course of his life toward one of constant study and growth. As the benefits of daily practice began to manifest through strength and flexibility, he also found a gentler mindset; yoga offered him a quiet escape from the chaos of life. Quickly gravitating toward the freedom and movement of fluid yoga, where he could explore and play without judgment, Brian ultimately became inspired to share this practice with others pursuing a sweeter pace of life.

Through a mindful and inclusive approach, Brian aims to create a mindful space that invites students to explore a deeper connection with themselves.

Favorite artists: Shakey Graves, MISSIO
Currently into: Foraging and fermenting

COLIN Johannen


200 HR RYT

Colin loves mountain biking yoga and being awesome.

Dolly SEngsavang


200 HR RYT

Dolly first discovered yoga back in 2014 but was originally turned off from the practice because her first class focused only on the physical aspect of yoga and nothing more. Though she was turned off by her first class, something told her to keep practicing and trying out new classes. Eventually, she took her first class that encompassed all the beautiful aspects of yoga and not just the asanas. This was when the practice completely changed for her. As she continued to deepen her practice, she realized how beneficial yoga was on and off the mat for her mind, body, and spirit.

This led Dolly to becoming a 200hr RYT yoga teacher that studied under Susanna Barkataki at the Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute and she then continued her studies through Fluid Yoga to deepen her understanding of the practice.

Dolly’s goal is to create an inclusive and inviting environment while demonstrating that yoga is for everyone no matter where they are in their practice. Yoga truly transformed her life in so many different ways, and she hopes to guide those looking to deepen their practice or to begin it.



Erin is a kind human, new cat mom and overall steward to the city of Lowell. Catch her helping out everywhere!

Freddie Duquet


“Your focus determines your reality.”


Freddie began practicing at SUTRA in March of 2015 and he joined the Glue Team shortly after. Having practiced yoga and meditation on and off for a handful of years, his involvement at SUTRA led him to cultivate a regular practice and then become a teacher.

Freddie is heavily influenced by the teachings and work of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. By incorporating elements of yoga asana, meditation and qigong into his classes, he aims to help students find mindfulness in each moment.

Being a musician, Freddie enjoys sharing his love for music with others, especially within the context of a yoga class. He loves spending quality time with human and non-human animal friends, and his favorite yoga pose is Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound angle).

Jamie Russell


Fluid Yoga School

Jamie is an E-RYT 500 hour Fluid Yoga teacher and educator in the Fluid Yoga school. Incorporating the mental aspects of a meditation practice and Buddhist philosophy into her life, Jamie became a teacher of yoga in 2009 and has since dedicated her life to the practice and sharing of its benefits.  


Jen / JenD / J-Don /JennyD

500HR RYT, Reiki Master

A mixture of sweet and spicy, Jen is known for her fun & compassionate, teaching style that is inspired by Buddhist philosophy. She continues her studies under Khenpo Migmar Tseten of the Sakya Institute for Buddhist study and Kevan Gale of Triyana Studies. She has completed her 200hr & 300hr training with Fluid Yoga School , is a Reiki Master and certified in Thai Yoga massage.

Availing herself to continuous philosophical education and practice, Jen weaves a thought-provoking flow, applying ancient wisdom to our contemporary western world in a useful and understandable way. She encourages growth of the physical and spiritual self.

Favorite Artist: Lester Horton

Currently into: Hiking, reading, coffee, cozy blankets and fire

Jen Frey


Village Yoga, Fluid Yoga School

Jen is the owner and lead teacher of Newfane Village Yoga. Jen’s core philosophy is that yoga should be available and accessible to all. She creates a comfortable, relatable and relaxed atmosphere in which a challenging flow is punctuated with warmth and giggles. Her goal is always to get you to try something new with a sense of humor.


Jen / Howell / Jen H

“Breath, hugs, and rock and roll”.

Jen’s classes hum with her trademark blending of music, humor-infused philosophy, and intelligent sequencing. Prior to embarking on her yoga journey, Jen enjoyed a career in live-entertainment design; her creative core means she is constantly finding inspiration in others and her surroundings. Jen hopes to find friendship with everyone she meets. When she is not leading mindfulness practices, you may find her on stage encouraging laughter through her stand-up comedy.

Jen leads teacher trainings with Fluid Yoga, guides yoga and meditation retreats, and in 2014 partnered with Mill No. 5 to bring a new infusion of yoga to downtown Lowell, MA. Her mission is to help people find the path to happiness by creating space for transformation in an encouraging and open environment.





Julia's yoga practice started in 2002 and she has been teaching since 2005. She deviated from her path of Physical Education after sustaining injuries from playing Rugby in college. Gym workouts proved mundane and only exacerbated her injuries. Yoga became her salvation, providing what she truly needed.Over the years, Julia has explored various yoga styles, blending them into her classes to create an eclectic mix. Each class is influenced by the energy of the moment, as Julia brings fun and lightness to challenging experiences.Julia began her yoga education with a 200-HR training under Taylor and Phillipe Wells. Since then, she has sought knowledge from numerous incredible teachers. In 2014, she completed a 500-HR training with Daniel Orlansky and his team. Julia is well-versed in Yin Yoga and recently finished a Kundalini Yoga teacher training. She is also a Reiki Master-Teacher.



Julia is a lover of dogs, tattoos and of course yoga!

Kevan Gale


Founder Fluid Yoga

Mindfulness, Yoga and nature have played an important role throughout Kevan’s life. Having good fortunate of meeting his current teacher Khenpo Lama Migmar, Harvard University Buddhist Chaplain, who he has studied with for over 15 years. He owns Fluid Yoga + Stil Studio in Dedham MA. Additionally, Kevan teaches mindfulness at Northeastern University where he is currently working in collaboration with Dr. Dudley to expand the host of offerings to mindfulness students.



Kirby is a yoga teacher, therapist, and former dancer. With a background in dance and psychology, Kirby blends movement, mindfulness, and music into her yoga classes. Guided by compassion and authenticity, she empowers her students to find balance and strength within themselves. When she isn’t on the mat, Kirby partakes in all forms of self-care; potting a new plant, making her own soaps, reading or planning her next vacation.

Lauren Merrill


Lauren stumbled across yoga in 2011 as a supplement to her weightlifting programming, practicing exclusively at home until 2014 when she took her first public yoga class. The warmth of the tiny, moody, heavily-heated studio, the “Om” (first time experiencing collective Om’ing!), and the entirely different feel and purpose of yoga within that space completely enveloped her. Yoga was no longer just a way to improve her fitness, but a lens through which she could process the world around and within her. Finding SUTRA shortly after, in early 2015, she began to dive deeper into yogic philosophy, began mind training, and later completed her 200hr RYT program through Fluid Yoga here at SUTRA. Paired with certification in Personal Training, Myofascial Cupping, and Traditional Thai Massage, her love of biomechanics and functional training feels right at home at SUTRA, with mindful, empowering movement and stillness.

Smiling Linda cat in the background

LINDA Rattanasak


What I love most about life is learning and teaching I believe knowledge is meant to be shared the same way love is. I’m a strong believer of fate and my favorite things are animals, outside, and food. Also if you invite me anywhere most likely it’s a yes 😄 happy trails!



Molly is an actor, singer and yoga enthusiast. She loves cats, and making sure the yoga blankets are appropriately folded.

Sarah Spiegel

Samudra Studio, Fluid Yoga School

Sarah founded Samudra in 2016 built on her long-time love of building community, creating connections, and fostering transformation through yoga, meditation, and dharma classes, workshops, retreats, and training. Sarah’s classes leave the body feeling open, encouraging mindfulness both on and off the mat through breath and body awareness.


500 HR RYT

Stacey was introduced to yoga in her early 20’s. She initially approached the practice from a fitness perspective, as a way to balance the intensity of her cardio workouts. Many years, two children, four dogs and 5 cats later, yoga and meditation have become a way of life, a passion. She loves to share the practice and the teachings with others as a means to navigate through life’s challenges with gratitude and compassion.

She completed her 200-hour teacher training at Sutra Studio through The Fluid Yoga School and her 300-hour training through the Matt Giordano School of Yoga. She continues to expand her knowledge base, studying various other yoga modalities alongside Ayurveda. Her classes emphasize the connection of breath to movement, allowing for a balance between strength and flexibility.


500 HR RYT

Stephanie began practicing yoga regularly in the late 90s to find relief from sciatica brought on by long distance running, and was reintroduced to the vinyasa flow style in 2015. Having a dance background, Stephanie found that the flow of movement in the vinyasa practice resonated with her deeply. Since the beginning of her practice, yoga and meditation helped her find a balance with mind, body, and spirit, and allowed her to embrace life’s inevitable challenges with more ease, grace, and the capacity to care for others. Stephanie brings her good-humored nature and love of movement into her teaching, and considers it a great joy to share the benefits of the practice with others..

Torrie RUSSO

200 HR RYT

Torrie’s journey into yoga began a decade ago, transitioning from the high-impact sports at UMass Lowell to the grounding practice of yoga. Professionally, Torrie brings the same level of care and intentionality to her role as an oncology nurse as she does to her yoga practice. This deep sense of empathy and mindfulness is woven through her approach to teaching, where she aims to create a sanctuary for her students. Torrie’s classes offer a haven from the hustle of daily life, inviting participants to enjoy a moment of tranquility and fun. Her goal is not just to teach yoga but to foster a community where laughter and lightness are as integral to the practice as breath and movement.


Victoria / Vic
200 HR RYT

Victoria wants you to know it is okay to take up space. She learned this herself when she started her yoga journey. She originally believed she did not have the “right” body to practice yoga. She began to challenge these misconceptions and slowly learned that every body is a yoga body & that the benefits of yoga can be accessible to all.

Now she wants to use her experience to empower others & help them gain the confidence to feel comfortable in their bodies.

Victoria also believes in the healing power of nature and always values a good tree hug. Victoria is a RYT-200 training through the Fluid Yoga School.